Office of Homelessness and Supportive Housing

Ensure Affordable Housing Choices for All Chattanoogans

OHSH supports the One Chattanooga Strategic Plan by addressing the key priorities of ending chronic homelessness and supporting tenants and providers with housing security.

Point In Time (PIT) Count


The Point In Time (PIT) Count is one method used to measure the total number of people experiencing homelessness in Chattanooga on a single night in January. The Count is mandated by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development and conducted by the Chattanooga Regional Homeless Coalition. While research indicates the PIT Count method may result in an undercount, it adds significant understanding of where homelessness is trending.

Our process

OHSH encounters clients in three primary ways: referrals from community partners, walk-ins via our intake desk, and direct street outreach. The outreach team works with the Regional Outreach Cooperative to provide life-saving supplies to our neighbors on the streets and refer clients for services. Housing Navigators connect clients to local landlords and provide rental assistance as needed to ensure a safe and stable home. OHSH guarantees one year of post-housing supportive services for all our clients. Services include counseling, skills-building resources, conflict mitigation, and assistance with applications for federal programs such as WIC, SNAP, Housing Choice  Vouchers and more.

Who we serve

This information is sourced from the Home-American Rescue Plan Tenant-Based Rental Assistance program, currently our largest homeless services program by dollars distributed. Home-ARP is a one-time grant from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development. This data does not represent all of the clients served by OHSH.

Opportunities for Landlords

Learn more about our regional strategy to end homelessness

        • Landlords, click here for more information on the financial incentives and supportive services available to you.